Monday, November 12, 2007

Sunday in Guadalajara

Yesterday, we went for a long walk to explore our neighborhood. We have found plenty of little neighborhood grocery stores, sidewalk food vendors (I'll get brave enough to eat at one of these sometime; I hear the best food in the city can be found at these), tire shops (people here apparently need lots of tires), and people selling mops and brooms on the street. Yes, that's right: there are men who push carts around that are loaded with mops and brooms (I haven't taken a picture because I'll probably find myself buying a new broom). I guess there must be a need for this: people out for a walk suddenly decide they need a broom? We have also seen lots of parking lot car washes: you can have your car washed right in its parking space while you are shopping in Home Depot, for example. Since we don't have a car here, I haven't used this service, so I don't know how it works, but it seems like a great idea!

In the evening, we went out to eat at a restaurant, Sonora Querida, down the street from our apartment. Most restaurants around here include a children's play area, and this place is no exception. We have eaten here a few times, and every time we walk in, the waiters all greet us warmly: handshakes all around and plenty of attention. Again, it's that Guadalajaran friendliness we find everywhere. I have included a picture of the 'aguacate' we are served with our meal at most places. It's a pureed mixture of avocado, vinegar, and salt -- delicioso!

1 comment:

yogahz said...

Hi Montagus!

We have Abiertos here in Seattle too! Muy divertido (thank you babelfish).

Thanks for sending the link Trent. What a great experience for your family.

We go to Canada every now and then.

Kathy Hertzog