Friday, November 30, 2007

Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara (FIL)

On Friday, Paulina took the kids and me to FIL -- "What's FIL?" you're probably asking. I found this description on :

"Founded in 1987 by the University of Guadalajara, the Guadalajara International Book Fair —FIL— is the largest market in the world for Spanish language publications. Over 500,000 people visit during the nine days of FIL, immersing themselves in books and taking advantage of one of the most important cultural festivals in Latin America. A few statistics will give you an idea of FIL's importance: 26,000 square meters of exhibit space, with more than 1,600 publishers representing 39 countries; a cultural program offering over 600 hours of events, which averages about 50 activites per day; and nearly 300 book presentations. In all, FIL brings over $10 million dollars in economic benefits to the city of Guadalajara."

When FIL was first mentioned to us, I wondered what would be interesting for us at a book fair for Spanish language books. Well, this is no ordinary book fair, and we found plenty of reasons to be interested at FIL! First, I have never seen so many books in one place in my life, and while the majority of the books there were in Spanish, every other language was represented, as well. Each of the larger publishers had booths the size of retail stores, and there were also countless booths with smaller publishers. Then there was the FIL Ninos area, which was entirely dedicated to children's publishing and educational materials. We bought a storybook/CD, which was narrated by the woman in the photo with Ella and Maisy. Yes, I'm a sucker: Dress up like a fairy and pose for a picture with my kids and I'll buy whatever you're selling.

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