Sunday, December 7, 2008

Obama Sighting

Paulina's sister, Gaby, is married to Carlos, who is from Cuba, and Carlos' brother, Ore, is a chef studying here in GDL for one year. The other morning, Gaby and Ore came by the house while I was upstairs. The kids went downstairs to see who had arrived, and Addison came running back upstairs yelling, "Hey, Mom, it's Obama!" When we told Ore this, he was flattered, and this has now become a family joke.

As a result, I asked Ore about his thoughts on our politics. I couldn't delve too deeply, as he speaks no English, but with Paulina's help I understood his basic position. Ore said that the Democrats have historically been bad for the Cuban people, but good for the Cuban government, and the reverse is true for the Republicans. For this reason, he expects that things will not get better for the Cuban people during the Obama administration. He is, however, hopeful that history will not be repeated time around. He thinks that it would be wonderful if Cuba and the US could have a better relationship, particularly because of the two countries' close proximity to one another.

We have also taken the opportunity to try our first Cuban beer, Bucanero. It was quite good, too.

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